Bankstown’s Best Casting Service

Unique Specialised Casting Service

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At UniquePhysio we understand the initial stages following a fracture or an injury can be painful and challenging. Therefore, our physiotherapists are here to help you through your recovery from the very start with our Casting service.

Casting is a term that describes the application of a shell-like device to an injured limb/area to provide support and to immobilise the area. This allows the healing process to take place and prevents the injury from worsening. Casting is typically required for fractures to allow bones to heal but may also be recommended for specific joint/ligament injuries or surgeries.

At UniquePhysio, our expert physiotherapists are able to apply casts, provide strategies on management when the cast is on, and remove casts when appropriate. After the cast removal, our physiotherapists will also then be able to guide you through your rehabilitation.

The type of casts we offer include:

– Plaster casts (short-term casts for more acute or swollen injuries).
– Synthetic casts (harder-case casts for more long-term usage).
– Waterproof option available for specific casts.

We can apply casts for the following areas:
Upper limb injuries or fractures to elbow, forearm, wrist and hand.
Lower limb injuries or fractures to ankle or foot.

The type of cast and length of time the cast is worn will depend on your doctor or specialist’s instructions.

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Why Choose Unique Physio?

Here at Unique, we treat you, rather than just a diagnosis or body part. Our motto is "What would you do?" It’s a question we’ll ask. We need to know, if you were as fit as you could hope to be, what would you do? Your answer will become your goal. Our goal will then be - to customize a unique treatment and training plan for your whole body, so you can do what you want in the future.

This approach goes beyond the routines we’ve witnessed elsewhere. It’s why we call ourselves Unique. Here – it’s not just about understanding and treating the unique combination of reasons why you are not feeling 100% today. It’s about finding your true source of motivation, and working together on a unique plan for your whole body - so you don’t just get out of pain, but go do what you really want. That’s why we work here.

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