Reformer Pilates: Diabetes exercises

Are you taking a cocktail of medications to help manage your type 2 Diabetes? Did you know that exercise can be as effective as medications in managing type 2 diabetes and WITHOUT the nasty side effects?

Reformer Pilates and diabetes

Pilates is a form of resistance training that can improve blood sugar levels within the body. Here’s how:

  • Building more muscle mass increases the intake of sugar from the bloodstream into the muscles. This reduces the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • As muscle mass increases, body fat will be reduced correspondingly (in conjunction with a healthy diet) and this makes it easier for the pancreas to keep up with the demand of insulin – the transporter that takes sugar from the bloodstream to the muscles, fat and liver to be used as energy
  • All of the above also contribute to improved cardio-metabolic health, physical functioning and well-being

Regular Pilates classes run by the UniquePhysio team are run in a fun group environment so you can mingle with those with the same mindset; wanting to improve their health. Better yet, Pilates reduces impact on the joints and does not have harmful side effects or worsening of symptoms that is common with medication. The physiotherapists and exercise physiologists at UniquePhysio will apply their clinical knowledge into designing each Pilates class and take into consideration each participant’s medical concerns.

There are two types of Pilates exercises: floor-based and reformer-based – both are effective in their unique ways. Below are a few examples of each and click to see them in-action:


  • Leg press
  • Lunge
  • Pull-down


  • Plie squats
  • Pilates ring roll-up
  • Mountain climber + crunch

The Pilates classes will include a range of these exercises that target the main muscle groups, ensuring you can maximise muscle mass and strength gains. With professional guidance from the UniquePhysio Team, you can participate in even more fun and new exercise variations!

On top of the Pilates classes, you may be eligible for up to 8 Diabetes group sessions per calendar year. They are completely funded by Medicare and are separate to your 5 enhanced primary care (EPC) plan sessions so even if you have used those up, you are still eligible.

For more information about these Diabetes group sessions, click here.

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