How much exercise is recommended for diabetics?

How Much Exercise Is Recommended for Diabetics?

Diabetes is unfortunately an extremely prevalent disease within Australian society. There was an estimated 1.2 million Australian’s living with diabetes as of 2018. Along with this, for every 4 adults diagnosed with diabetes, it was estimated there was also 1 who was undiagnosed. Type II diabetes is known as a lifestyle disease. A lifestyle disease means its occurrence occurs due to a culmination of unhealthy lifestyle choices over a period time. Some examples are low levels of physical activity or unhealthy eating.

The good thing about diabetes however is that any form of exercise that you can perform safely will be beneficial.

Exercise benefits those with diabetes as the sugar from within the blood is transported to the muscles to be used as a form of energy. In turn, this decreases the amount of sugar in the blood and reduces the damage that a high blood sugar level causes. Diabetes is a disease that can be very well maintained through regular bouts of exercise. However, most people turn a blind eye and will not exercise until the progression of the disease causes decreases in ones quality of life.

A basic program for those who have diabetes

Scientific research has shown the optimal exercise levels to achieve for those living with diabetes or for those who are “pre-diabetic”.

An exercise program for someone who has diabetes will include ~210 minutes of exercise at a moderate intensity level per week or 125 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise per week. This time spent performing exercise should include both bouts of aerobic (e.g swimming, cycling, walking) and resistance training (e.g weight lifting).

Sounds simple right? On paper it does, yes, but in reality along with diabetes each individual has other concerns or medical conditions which warrant special consideration when designing an exercise program.

If you currently have diabetes or have been told you are pre-diabetic why not take action and live healthier today instead of when it is too late? Investment into your health now will save you much more money over a longer period of time when having to deal with the complications that can be caused by diabetes.

If your doctor has said you need to exercise, or you as a person would like to uptake exercise as a way to combat your diabetes progression, or even reduce risk of developing diabetes, come and see our Exercise Physiologist. An Exercise Physiologist will be able to help design an appropriate exercise program taking into account all your concerns and your goals, guiding you along the way to achieve better health.

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