Why Does Tennis Elbow Happen? Understanding the Causes

Tennis elbow, also known as “lateral epicondylitis”, is the swelling of the tendons responsible for bending your wrist backward away from your palm. It is one of the most common overuse syndromes, which often occurs when the forearm muscles and tendons become sore from excessive strain due to repetitive movements.

Causes Of Tennis Elbow  

Despite its name, tennis elbow is not limited to tennis players. While playing racquet sports increases the risk, those who perform repetitive forearm movements and gripping tasks through work can also develop tennis elbow. This includes occupations such as plumbers, painters, butchers, carpenters, and musicians.

Other causes of the tennis elbow include:

  • Episodic increase in load/duration of the exercises/training.
  • Improper training or use of equipment
  • Muscles weakness

Symptoms Of Tennis Elbow 

Symptoms of tennis elbow may vary among individuals, but some common ones include:

  • Severe pain, burning, or aching on the outer side of the upper forearm, possibly extending to the wrist.
  • Pain can occur when attempting to lift or bend the arm. 
  • Weakness of the grip 

You may also experience discomfort when engaging in other everyday activities such as: shaking hands, holding an object, turning a doorknob, grasping a coffee cup, and writing.

Role Of Physiotherapy 

When it comes to managing symptoms, physiotherapy can be incredibly beneficial. We offer diagnoses and treatments based on thorough physical assessments and tailored treatment plans. If you believe you are showing signs of tennis elbow, don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance!

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